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Tue, 08/21/2012 - 08:00 to 08:45
Welcome! Get your Drupal(Con) on!
Ballsaal A/BCommunityBeginner
Evaluating Base Themes
Ballsaal A/BFrontendIntermediate -
The New Entity and Property API
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations
High performance theming
SydneyFrontendIntermediate -
There must be Rules!
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesSitebuildingIntermediate
Instant Drupal Shopping Sites with Commerce Kickstart
Day StageDay Stage -
Dominate The Theme Layer
Responsive Design with Sass+Compass
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesFrontendIntermediate -
Debugging Techniques for Drupal
AtlantaCoding and DevelopmentIntermediate -
Multilingual Content in Drupal 7 & 8
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate
Spark: Authoring Experience++ in Drupal 8 core
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations
Backbone.js in the Frontend
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesCoding and DevelopmentAdvanced
Next Steps for Drupal Commerce
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate -
Theme <3 Drupal
Site-Building Strategies based on Panels and Entities
Day StageDay Stage -
Different Ways to control your layout
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesSitebuildingIntermediate
Responsive Design, Mobile Admin, Front-end Performance: Updates on the Mobile Initiative
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations -
The Drush Ecosystem
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesDevOpsIntermediate
Development Best Practices - Development approaches that work
Day StageDay Stage -
A new theme layer for Drupal 8
BarcelonaCore Conversations
Best Practices WYSIWYG with inline image handling
Multi-headed Drupal
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate -
There Might (Not) Be A Module For That
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesBusiness and StrategyBeginner -
Designing HTTP Interfaces and RESTful Web Services
Garmisch/PartenkiershenCoding and DevelopmentBeginner -
UX Under Fire - On Communicating the Value of UX
Drupal 8: What you need to know
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate
Configuration Management in Drupal 7
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate -
Drupal 8
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore ConversationsAdvanced