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Tue, 08/21/2012 - 08:00 to 08:45
Welcome! Get your Drupal(Con) on!
Ballsaal A/BCommunityBeginner
Introduction to Drupal: What I Wish Someone Told Me in the Beginning
Aegir-based Business Models
Garmisch/PartenkiershenBusiness and StrategyIntermediate
Dominate The Theme Layer
Alfresco: Drupal’s Document Management Solution
BarcelonaCoding and DevelopmentIntermediate -
Theme <3 Drupal
Building for the editor experience
AtlantaSitebuildingIntermediate -
The Science of Guessing - Drupal estimation techniques from project managers
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesBusiness and StrategyBeginner
Drupal as an Enterprise Service Bus
Day StageDay Stage -
Best Practices WYSIWYG with inline image handling
Drupal Strategies for Nonprofits
BarcelonaBusiness and StrategyBeginner -
There Might (Not) Be A Module For That
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesBusiness and StrategyBeginner
Simple devops workflows with Kanban
SydneyDevOpsBeginner -
Drupalizing Greenpeace Germany
Day StageDay Stage