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Tue, 08/21/2012 - 08:00 to 08:45
Welcome! Get your Drupal(Con) on!
Ballsaal A/BCommunityBeginner
Be a Drupal Hero with Acquia Cloud and the Acquia Network
Day StageDay Stage -
Bootstrapping Solr search clusters and maintaining them
Building amazing searches with Search API and Facet API
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesSitebuildingBeginner -
Instant Drupal Shopping Sites with Commerce Kickstart
Day StageDay Stage
Spark: Authoring Experience++ in Drupal 8 core
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations
Comparing the Drupal Cloud Providers in the Market
Day StageDay Stage -
Selling Drupal & Web Experience Management to Large Enterprises: Choose Your Battles and Choose them Wisely
SydneyBusiness and StrategyBeginner
Building a great Drupal team in the face of talent starvation; what would Maslow do?
SydneyBusiness and StrategyBeginner
Next Steps for Drupal Commerce
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate -
Alfresco: Drupal’s Document Management Solution
BarcelonaCoding and DevelopmentIntermediate
Selling to the Enterprise
Ballsaal A/BBusiness and StrategyAdvanced
Redefining : The Mind Shift at Microsoft on OSS and Community
Garmisch/PartenkiershenBusiness and StrategyBeginner
Drupal as an Enterprise Service Bus
Day StageDay Stage
Drupal 8: What you need to know
Ballsaal A/BSitebuildingIntermediate