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Tue, 08/21/2012 - 10:45 to 11:45
The New Entity and Property API
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations -
Bootstrapping Solr search clusters and maintaining them
Think like a hacker: Secure Drupal Code
AtlantaCoding and DevelopmentIntermediate -
Drupal Has Dependencies - Let's Manage Them!
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations -
What's this devops thing anyhow?
Ballsaal A/BDevOpsBeginner
Debugging Techniques for Drupal
AtlantaCoding and DevelopmentIntermediate
Spark: Authoring Experience++ in Drupal 8 core
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations
An import/upgrade API for core
(Sheraton Hotel) Asam ICore Conversations
Dealing with Buggy Modules or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Issue Queue
BarcelonaCommunityBeginner -
Backbone.js in the Frontend
(Sheraton Hotel) CuvilliesCoding and DevelopmentAdvanced -
Selling Into the Enterprise - How to talk to Enterprises and get away with it
Day StageDay Stage -
Turning every log entry into gold: centralized logging with Drupal