The Design of Everyday Things
Things often don't work in accordance with users' expectations. There is often a mismatch between how we make things for people and how people intuitively perceive the world and the things in it. How often do you push a door that needs pulling to open? Or flick the wrong light switch? Amazingly it often takes a few minor improvements to remove these predicaments from our daily lives. The exact same things happen within our Drupal websites. But we tend to leave those 'flaws' in. In this session I will point out some of these issues, show some examples of 'bad design' and invite you to look at the things we make for everyday use from a different angle.
Session highlights
- The bad design of everyday things
- (Drupal) design fail examples
- To err is human
- Guidelines for making things usable
This session's theme is taken from the wonderful book by Donald Norman. Donald Norman is former Vice President of the Advanced Technology Group at Apple Computer and identifies many daily hickups in everyday use of things where people often blame themselves where the design is really error prone.
Collect the slides and resources: