4x High Performance for Drupal - Step by Step
Drupal Performance can be divided broadly into 4 Categories:
* Server
* Client
* Modules
* Database
This session will show how to setup technologies for getting the expected base line performance for each of those and giving a good overview of what can be tweaked.
- Server: APC, Memcache, Varnish
- Client: GZIP, Fast JS, Minimal CSS, Caching Headers, AJAX/PJAX
- Modules / PHP / Drupal Code: Common problems, XHProf (fast installation), Custom Caching, Block Cache Alter, Core Patches
- Database: Common Tweaks, InnoDB, Slow Query Detection, Slow Query Fixing
The session will show step-by-step approaches how to gradually make the site faster.
It is aimed at beginners in DevOps, but will give a broad overview to know where to look for performance problems and what to do.
Experience level:
Time slot:
Wednesday 17:00-18:00
I have seen you speak twice about performance and really find these sessions enlightening. I know this is listed as a beginners session, but can I expect to learn more than I have at your previous talks? Is there going to be a script to configure the various server components this time?
Hi Mark,
This session is different from the other ones in so far as it is more broad in what it covers. It will be more predictable as demos will be pre-recorded (but still really interesting), so we cannot run over time. You will probably learn some new tricks and techniques - especially in regards to MySQL and XHProf and I think we will again have a lot of fun.
Yes, I plan to make a script available to configure the "shoulders of the giants".
Thanks and Best Wishes,
The file "4x High Performance Drupal - Step by Step.key" in complete, the last few slides (number 50 onwards), where one should have all the details, are empty!
It would probably be useful to upload a pdf for non-mac users too.
subscribe ;)
Hey there,
The file was overshadowing another more current version, where I had things updated.
I am sorry for that.
I just uploaded a new file, which is also not the final version I presented, but very slightly different.
I will upload a PDF version as soon as I get it, because I presented on Matthew Saunders Laptop and now need the final files myself.
But please start enjoying this version already.
PS: And please let me know if you have any further questions via my contact form. I am happy to be of assistance.
magic thanks, thats much better.
I'll still poll for the final version in PDF though, perhaps the link to the varnish config (slide 67) is in there :-)
Here is the Blog post for D6:
and here is the:direct link to the configuration:
The D6 configuration should work fine with the D7 boost now that its working.
I'll get an update via blog.
Is there anything else you need for now?
Best Wishes,
Thanks a lot for the session!
One of my favorites sessions at drupalcon!
Very easy to understand, clear, complete, didactic with examples, the all presented with energy and humour :) All one can wait for a perfect presentation.
Thank you again :)