Keeping fresh: upgrading to D7 then D8
It's a long, slow road these days to keep our own website running the latest version of our own software, but it's got to be done or we'll fall behind The Drop and become, gasp, deprecated! ;)
Upgrading a large website is a royal pain when not all of the needed modules are fully ready-to-go from their previous version(s) because they're "being refactored", there's new ideas that *need* to be implemented whenever a section of a site is touched during an upgrade, and there's always the desire to release something that's better than it used to be. After all, spending months to upgrade a large website and have it be exactly the same as it was before is never a winning business proposition. :)
Come to this session to hear what we've been up to with the D7 Upgrade Initiative, and find out what the future plans are for getting to D8. Better yet, you tell us how we should get from D7 to D8 the fastest, smoothest way possible. If you've been involved in upgrading a Drupal site before and have some cool ideas because of it, let's hear from you!