Write and review better code: Be the Human Coder and other debugging tricks from the edge
I wrote the coder module with only a years experience in Drupal. Fast forward five years. After working on two high profile high availability high traffic sites as the Release Manager, with many talented Drupal developers (chx, catch) I want to share more about how to be the Human Coder, what to look for in reviews, how to use tools like coder and drush, merging locally and testing and debugging tricks like file_put_contents and debug_backtrace. But mostly this is about reviewing code, your code, your mates code, your projects pull requests, and drupal patch files.
I've written a couple Drupal Watchdog articles, one specific to Release Management "On The Truck" and one about writing beautiful "Drupal'Art". This talk will fuse those articles into a practical demonstration with bonus footage on debugging tips.
I have previously presented at DrupalCon's about topics ranging from the Coder Module (multiple times), Search (twice), MongoDB, and Internationalization.
Fantastic subject! Thanks for submitting this session.
Assuming this is approved (and I'm almost certain it will be), I would definitely check out this session. :-)