DrupalCon Munich Updates
DrupalCon Munich Updates
DrupalCon Munich is both an educational event and a celebration of all things Drupal. Be sure to take advantage of all the fun stuff happening all week long! If you are signed up to attend, you should have recently received a final attendee email with additional details on all of this and more.
If you aren't yet registered, you have until end of day Friday, August 17! There are only a few tickets available!
Call for volunteers - we need you on Saturday!
Will you be in Munich early and have some free time on Saturday afternoon Aug 18 from 1-5? We could use your help stuffing registration packets. It's a fun and easy job and it's a great way to get to know new people before the Con! Sign up to volunteer for this or other jobs throughout the week.
Special breakfast pricing for all attendees at the Sheraton and Westin
The Sheraton and Westin Grand will offer their hotel breakfast (Full Breakfast) at special pricing throughout DrupalCon Munich. Details: The Westin breakfast can be found in the ZEN Restaurant. The Sheraton breakfast is held in Restaurant 66. Pricing will be 15 EUR per person per day (the normal rate is 29 EUR at the Westin and 23 EUR at the Sheraton). This offer is good for the whole week: Monday, August 20 until Friday, August 24 and open to all DrupalCon attendees regardless of whether you are staying at the hotel or not.
Tropo Drupal Hackathon on Monday
The Drupal Hackathon takes place on Monday, August 20th from 3-9pm. RSVP required because seats are limited, but there is time to join in even after trainings. No entry fee and it includes dinner! All registered attendees are invited to come join the fun!
Sponsors with Special Offers
The sponsors of DrupalCon Munich aren’t just helping put on the event, they are offering lots of great deals to attendees. Check them out.
Drupal Jobs
Our sponsors are hiring! Check out their jobs and then swing by their booth to learn more about the opportunities.
Drupal Colors for Group Photo
Our traditional DrupalCon photo will take place on Tuesday August 21st immediately following Dries’ Keynote. Around 10:15 am outside of the Westin Grand hotel. Sport your Drupal colors!
DrupalCon Evening Activities
While there is no official DrupalCon party this year, there are a lot of evening activities including parties, trivia night, and an open board meeting! Check out the Events & Activities page for complete details!
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