Webmail / Roundcube / Groupware
In the past, there have been multiple attempts to provide a Webmail solution for Drupal and also to provide integration with the popular Roundcube webmail client. The new incarnation of the Webmail module (http://drupal.org/project/webmail) aims at the former, but uses the Roundcube webmail client as a backend to communicate with IMAP servers instead of reinventing the wheel. The current functionality includes basic display and sending of messages and attachments.
The target of this BoF is to gather ideas, wishes and questions on this whole problem-space. As the maintainer of the Webmail module I would be happy to recruit contributors to that project but if the discussion turns in another direction, I'll be happy, too!
If you have ever wanted to connect to an IMAP mailbox from within your Drupal site, please share your ideas and wishes in this BoF. If you ever tried to code something, all the better.
Drupal already has powerful capabilities with regards to calendar and task management and groups, so the biggest missing piece to a full Drupal-based Groupware solution is the Webmail functionality. Therefore discussing the prospect of such a potential distribution might make sense in this context, as well.