Un(b)locking the Drupal Learning Curve

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This BoF is about how we together can not only find ways to flatten the Drupal learning curve, but also to improve the user experience in the same process.

For this purpose I have written a series of posts outlining the situation as well as presenting ideas on how to make this happen:

  1. Un(b)locking the Drupal Learning Curve
  2. The Drupal Site Building Experience
  3. Drupal Site Building Challenges
  4. Drupal Limitations and Bottlenecks
  5. How to Improve Site Building in Drupal 7
  6. The Opportunity with Drupal 8 & Beyond

Note: Post 5 & 6 has, after feedback to post 1-4, lead to the formation of the Drupal SuiteBuilding Usability Initiative, which I write about in Making Drupal more User Friendly. I am very excited about working with other Drupalers in the community in this initiative.

I don't have any set agenda for the BoF, instead I welcome an open discussion about ideas on how we together can improve the situation.

If this is a topic you are interested in, you are welcome to contact me, tsvenson, directly before the BoF to discuss how we can make the most out of this opportunity.



There were some good threads, and I think even a hashtag that jen Lampton started about Drupal's "learnability".

I think I might be volunteering at this very same time slot :( But I am going to read all the posts now!

Sort of related- anyone coming to this bof might like to attend the Drupal Ladder session.

Tuesday 15:45-16:45

Thanks for the session tip Heather. I notice it is straight after this BoF. Talk about coincidental great timing :)