Testing Drupal.org
During the Drupal.org D7 upgrade sprint, the Git team chose to use Behat and Mink as a functional testing framwork for our work on Drupal.org. Our task at hand was to upgrade existing Git-related services as they were implemented for Drupal 6 and Behat addressed our immediate need: to ensure that we could safely deploy fixes and new features involving a complex interaction of services.
While Behat fills the role of a functional testing framework admirably, it's intended to provide a very different kind of value. Rather than testing that something works the way developers expect, its real purpose it to test that what developers create meets the needs of the users.
In the first segment, we'll give a brief but detailed overview of Behat, how we are using it currently and plans for additional test coverage on Drupal.org. In the second segment, we'll explore how Behat might improve our understanding of the diverse needs of our community to create a more awesome community web site and collaboration tool set.
- Behat: http://behat.org
- Mink: http://mink.behat.org
- BDD on Drupal.org: http://drupal.org/project/doobie
When will this presentation be?