Drupal 8's Multilingual Wonderland
Come to this session to get a report of the plans for Drupal 8's multilingual support as well as further plans, especially for the sprint right after Drupalcon. We'll cover what is needed for even a basic multilingual site in Drupal 7 and then what is being built into Drupal 8 and what are the remaining plans until the code is frozen for the development version.
If you actually want to get involved, it is best to plan to arrive early and/or leave Munich a few days later, so you can participate in the Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative (D8MI) sprint on the 18th to 20th and 24th to 26th of August (six full days in total). See http://groups.drupal.org/node/238003 for more information and signup.
Ongoing updates about the initiative can be found on http://drupal.org/community-initiatives/drupal-core and http://hojtsy.hu/d8mi with IRC meetings every other week (always announced at http://groups.drupal.org/drupal-initiatives). Find us on IRC on #drupal-i18n.
Updated the sprint information with this new text:
"If you actually want to get involved, it is best to plan to arrive early and/or leave Munich a few days later, so you can participate in the Drupal 8 Multilingual Initiative (D8MI) sprint on the 18th to 20th and 24th to 26th of August (six full days in total). See http://groups.drupal.org/node/238003 for more information and signup."