Drupal 8: UX Team update
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This session will give an overview from the UX-Team members Bojhan Somers (bojhan), Dharmesh Mistry (dcmistry), how they are redesigning Drupal 8. There is a whole new set of challenges and in this talk, we will give an indepth view on current progress and problems.
This talk will cover three major topics:
- Content, Blocks & Layout and Mobile
We have being active in a number of design activies in redesigning the current content creation screen, placing of blocks in layouts and making Drupal mobile friendly. We will give a quick overview what is currently happening and what the end-point is for Drupal 8. - Usability test coverage
Since Drupal 8 development started we have done more usability research activities than ever before. We will share our ideas around getting full testing coverage of core and how we doing community-based testing. - Significant lack of resources
We want to take time to discuss the elephant in the room, our current lack of resources. The influx of resources and activities that D7UX generated, has largely faded and we are now struggeling even to implement the smallest changes to core.
We would like this session to be more indepth, providing core developers a good insight in how we are trying to improve the UX of Drupal 8.
Time slot:
Core Conversations