Respect the Drupal brand!

mortendk's picture

When Drupal is presented anywhere it should be beautiful to look at, it should give you that warm fussy feeling of a CMS/F that kicks ass & that you can take seriously.
When you wearing the letters "DRUPAL" on you shirt it should look so hot that you stopped on the street & asked how did you get that.
When you talk about Drupal there should be a look to it all that is planned and not design adhoc by someone that was unlucky enough to have 10 minuts to throw together a design.

Lets face it, theres no direction, no brand manuals, no nothing today
That is hurting Drupal at its very core. When it looks cool people wanna come, if we wanna attract other resources than hardcode vim/emacs geeks, theres a need to begin to look at this.

That needs to change.

Goals of this meeting / agenda
* Drupal events should have a unified look (stop reinvinting & get the camp going)
* Stop abusing the Druplicon (or put it to sleep)
* Guides for local groups - so they geeks dont have to look for a graphic wizkid & have a toolset
* workgroup
* design / brand police
* Brand guide from the D.O redesign

This BOF will be for Visual skilled people - yup we dont care about the code or the way it used to be, we care about how drupal looks.




I'll be there!

This very thing is in the charter of the newly formed Drupal Branding and Marketing Committee. (See

It's awesome that you share this vision and I'm excited to hear you articulate it. We need all the help we can get!

Important topic, thanks!
In case we get to talk about this year's Drupal booths' design at CeBIT trade fair, I pasted some examples into a rough sketch. English PDF available under
The all-in-a-hurry German text is basically about why the pdf is there ;-)

@Ben: The Drupal Initiative will be happy to help working out a brand design manual.
