Drupal 7 as an enterprise web application framework
This talk has a couple of goals. Partly, I want to address the perception that developers and other people have that Drupal is just a 'CMS'.
For me now especially with Drupal 7, it is an excellent web application framework and we should be comparing it to the likes of Symfony and Zend Framework, rather than Joomla and Typo3.
Mainly in this talk I will explain to you based on my experience of building complex sites on Drupal, just why I think Drupal makes a superb choice for building enterprise web applications.
I'll go through some common concerns that developers have about Drupal, explain how Drupal does things, how 'you' can do things and give you tips to get started. I will also give some scenarios where you could use Drupal even if you can't fully move over to it.
Finally, I'll explain from my experience why Drupal is great as a technology platform for building your business on, how developers fresh to the technology after initial concerns grow to love it quickly, and just how rapidly you can get results.
In short, Drupal is not just a CMS or CMF, it's a solid enterprise web application framework and you should use it.